Lake Nakuru Safari Kenya

Baboon Cliff, Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the top destinations in Kenya with a wide range of wildlife that keeps tourists on their toes throughout their stay. The Park is famously known for having the largest Rhino numbers in the whole country and for the lesser and greater flamingos that are found along Lake Nakuru. The wildlife can be viewed by taking nature walks and game drives around the National Park but some viewpoints make the game viewing much more interesting and one of them is the baboon cliff which is one of the highest points in the National Park.

kenya baboons

The baboon cliff is found in the North-western part of Lake Nakuru National Park on the shores of Lake Nakuru. It got its name from the many baboons that live around the cliff and are never shy when it comes to interacting with humans. The baboon cliff is the most visited viewpoint in the National Park and not only because it has a 180-degree view of the National Park but also because it is easier to climb.

Trips to the baboon cliff can be done in groups or as an individual and it does not matter what time you get there although we highly advise that you go either in the morning hours or late afternoon to avoid the heat during the afternoon hours. This is one of the most organized cliffs in the National Park and this is because they have a gazetted area for car parking, they have washrooms, resting shades and seats for tourists. All these were set up to make sure that the tourists are comfortable after the climb up the cliff.

The disadvantage of visiting the baboon cliff is the baboon themselves which are in most cases a nuisance that end up destroying people’s properties sometimes. The baboons sometimes raid cars in search of food which leads to ruining of the property. You just need to be aware that the baboons will always be there and be careful with everything you consider valuable that is in case a baboon approaches you, do not panic or run away just sit still and wait for it to get bored because if you do not show any interest, it will walk away. Tourists who visit the cliff before the baboons show up should be well aware that they will eventually show up and you must get used to their presence.

The birds that you see while up on the Baboon cliff are the white-headed vulture, lesser flamingo, Black-tailed Godwit, Gray crowned-crane, Lappet-faced vulture, Bateleur, sooty Falcon, Pallid Harrier, Maccoa Duck, greater flamingo, European Roller, Gray-crested Helmestshrike, Greater spotted Eagle, Greater Spotted Eagle, Ostriches, yellow-billed duck, Red-billed duck, southern Pochard, Helmeted Guinea fowl, Coqui Francolin, Red-eyed dove, Black-faced Sandgrouse, white-bellied Bustard, Eurasian Nightjar, African Palm-swift and the Lesser sand-plover among others.

The animals that can be spotted while on the baboon cliff include the baboons, lions, buffalos, black and white Rhinos, Rothschild Giraffes, Zebras, lions, waterbucks, elands, rare sightings of leopards, warthogs and impalas among others.

Picnics can also be carried out at the baboon cliff as you watch the animals, birds and baboons. It’s a relaxing area with views of the National Park and the surrounding areas. But as you enjoy your picnic, be aware of the baboons that might come around and steal your food.

You can decide to visit the baboon cliff for a few minutes or just take the whole day enjoying the great views of the National park with your packed lunch and snacks. You should however note that you will need to spend more time on the baboon cliff to have the best experience.

Other viewpoints in Lake Nakuru National Park

Besides the baboon hill, there are two viewpoints found in the National Park and these include the Out of Africa Lookout and the Lion Hill.

Out of Africa Lookout

This is one of the viewpoints in Lake Nakuru National Park. It is located in the south-western part of Lake Nakuru and at the western border of the National Park. The outlook gives you clear views of the National Park, the Lake and surrounding areas. The hill was named after the movie ‘out of Africa’ which was showing the beauty and uniqueness of Africa as a continent. Some of the clips from the movie was filmed and unlike other viewpoints that are found within the National Park, this one is rocky making it hard to climb especially during the rainy season. The out of Africa Lookout is the least visited among the viewpoints in Lake Nakuru National Park because of how steep and rock it is. Out of Africa Lookout can be accessed through the main gate of the National Park and it is about 40 minutes away. You can also easily it from the Naishi airstrip although this is a longer distance as compared to driving.

The Lion hill

The lion hill is also a viewpoint that is found in Lake Nakuru National Park and it is where the Sarova Lodge is found as well. It has great views of the National Park starting with the animals, bird species in the Park and Lake Nakuru plus other interesting views.

How to get to the baboon cliff

The baboon cliff can be accessed by road by tourists driving. This is the cheaper option because the roads inside the Lake Nakuru National Park leading to the cliff are easily accessible and you get to drive for a few minutes from the main gate to the bottom of the cliff. For those that are using domestic flights, a vehicle will be waiting for you at the airstrip which is a few kilometers away from the National park to drive to the baboon cliff.

Best time to visit the Baboon cliff

The baboon cliff can be visited all year round although that is both the dry and wet season. You should however note that the dry season which is also the peak season has he crowds and you should be ready for them.