Lake Nakuru Safari Kenya

Game drives in Lake Nakuru National Park

A game drive is an activity that involves driving through Africa’s National parks with a tour vehicle as you get to see the animals up close. They are carried out in the presence of an experienced tour guide and an armed ranger who take you to the different parts of the National parks with the best sightings.

game drives nakuru

Located within the Rift valley about 170 kilometers away from Nairobi, Lake Nakuru National Park is home to about 400 bird species and over 50 different animal species.  The park is home to the famous pink flamingos that are found lazing around Lake Nakuru and the animals include giraffes, black and white rhinos, warthogs, zebras, leopards, baboons and many more others. All these make Lake Nakuru National Park a top and good destination in Kenya.

The National Park can be visited all year round with the different seasons determining the different activities that are carried out in the National Park. Some of the activities that are carried out include game drives, birding, nature walks in designated areas and camping. The two seasons that are experienced are the wet and dry seasons with each having large crowds of tourists at different times of the day. The park is always open at 7:00 am and closes at 6:00 pm every day and game drives are strictly carried out during these hours. Note that there are no night Game drives in Lake Nakuru national park so you should plan accordingly for the safari drive.

Lake Nakuru National park has a good road system which helps with the easy navigation of the National park with the help of a tour guide. The animals can be viewed in their natural habitats with many of the animals living in the savannah grasslands whereas others are water animals. Lake Nakuru National park has a lot of hilly landscapes with some of the best views of the whole park with all the animals and birds. These viewpoints take wildlife viewing to another level because of their position above the ground. Some of the most famous viewpoints in the park include the Out of Africa, Baboon cliff and Lion cliff.

Game drives are done throughout the National Park and they will take you through the savannah grasslands, acacia woodlands and vast land that is enclosed around the escarpments. With each game drive, there are so many animals, birds and landscapes that will keep you excited throughout your game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park.

Lake Nakuru National park offers two game drives per day and these are the morning game drive and afternoon game drive. The early morning game drive starts at 7:00 am and the afternoon drive at about 2 or 3:00 pm every day with both lasting for about 3 to 4 hours. The vehicles that are mainly used for game drives are the 4×4 open roof which can easily access the roads within the National Park and it also enables you to easily see the animals without alighting from the vehicle.

What should I wear while on my game drive safari to Lake Nakuru National Park?

The weather that is experienced in Lake Nakuru alternates between wet and dry seasons. The season that you choose to tour the park will determine what exactly you need to put on. The general list of what you should put on and carry includes wide brim hats to protect yourself from the sun, insect repellent, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, strong hike boots and some warm clothes for when the weather changes which can be at any time.


Rules to follow while on game drives in Lake Nakuru Park

There are always many dos and don’ts when it comes to game drives around the National Park and the only way that you can enjoy your drive is by following all the rules and regulations that are set up by the Park management and the Kenya wildlife Authority. Below are some of the rules that you should follow while on a game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park.

Do not approach or try to distract the animals. The animals might perceive approaching them as a threat and will attack you and that is why it is advisable to keep calm and not approach the animals even when they are close to you.

Make sure that there is minimal noise made while on game drives so that you do not distract the animals. Turn off your phones, keep the radios down and talk in whispers.

Avoid putting on brightly colored clothes because they easily attract the attention of wild animals. Carry neutral-colored clothes to easily blend in with the wilderness.

Drive carefully and keep a normal speed while on your game drive to avoid accidentally knocking down the animals because as the tour guide will tell you, the animals have a right of way in the jungle.

Do not at any one point leave the vehicle unless it is done in the designated areas and we advise that you follow all the guidelines given to you by the tour guides because they are the experts of the National Park.

Things that you must carry on your game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park

Game drive parking lists are always the same depending irrelevant of where you are going to carry out your drive and the same applies to game drives in Lake Nakuru National Park. Below is a list of the things that are essential and should be on your packing list.

Insect repellent: there are a lot of bugs and mosquitos in the country which makes insect repellent something that should be packed and note that the mosquitoes are mainly seen very easily in the morning and the late afternoon drives.

Camera: these will help you take some of the best photos while on your game safari. Although smartphones can still do the job, an old-fashioned camera is preferred and do not forget to carry some extra batteries for the camera.

Binoculars: some of the animals will not be easily seen due to many factors like some being scared and running off, blending in well with the bushes and being far away from the safari vehicle. This is where the binoculars come in to help you see all the wildlife while on your safari.

First aid kit, sunscreen and sun hat: you will be driving through an unknown area and that is why we advise that you carry a first aid kit with you each time you are going for a game drive. The sunscreen and sunhat are to protect you from the scorching sun while on a game drive through the park.

What should I expect on a game drive through Lake Nakuru

The game drive through the Park will take you through the acacia woodlands and savannah grasslands where you get to see the different animals, to the viewpoints which have an elevated view of the Park, to the waterfall where most camping is done and finally to the lake Nakuru where a large crowd of great and lesser flamingos awaits you.